Sunday, September 10, 2023

Dinner with Levi


After Luke 5:27-32 

Despised by his fellows,

outcast for his collusion,

for his thievery, hated

by all for being unclean,

he sits there as he hears

the voice and sees 

the face. Follow me.

It wasn’t an option

or a choice. It wasn’t

(precisely) a command.

Instead, it was a call,

a transformation, so

startling that Levi

stands, abandons what

he’s doing, and follows.


Levi holds a feast,

inviting those who

associate with him,

people like himself, 

the unclean and

the despised.

The righteous grumble

when the prophet sits

and eats with the unclean.

I’m here to heal the sick,

he says. I’ve come to call

them to repent. 


Photograph by Cody Chan via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


A Friend on the Trail of Tears: How a Baptist Missionary Became a Cherokee – Thomas Kidd at Desiring God. 


Sound of Freedom Director Announces New Movie Cabrini: It’s an Unbelievable Story’ – Michael Foust at Christian Headlines. 


Steps where Jesus walked and healed a blind man unearthed for first time in 2,000 years – Brianna Herlihy at Fox News.

1 comment:

  1. I could visualize the amazement on Matthew's face, Glynn. Beautiful!
