Friday, January 5, 2024

Cutting corners

After I Samuel 24:1-12

He could have had

it all, the kingdom,

the power, the glory,

respect, admiration.

He could have ended

the threat to his life,

the threat ongoing,

right there and

at that moment.

He could have made

a simple thrust, 

a surprise, and

they all knew

the king would do

that in his place.

Instead, he cut

a corner, a corner

of the robe, a cut

that said he could

have killed a king,

but refrained, that

said that, in God’s

time the piece,

the corner becomes

the whole.


Photograph by Erol Ahmed via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


A not so exhaustive list of male Christian fiction authors – Mark at Thoughts of a Sojourner.


Can you share a lesson from American church history? – Stephen Nichols at Ligonier Ministries.


“Mother of God,” poem by William Butler Yeats, and “Magnificat,” poem by Megan Willome – at Poetry for Life.


Attentive Parenting in the AI Age – Scott Hurst at Mere Orthodoxy.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your imagery here, Glynn! The corner will become the whole.
