Wednesday, August 21, 2024

About Those 10 Books

There was a thing last week, I think somewhere on Substack, about “10 books that changed my life.” I tried to find the specific article again, but Google produced an abundance of listings about 10 books, 37 books, 100 books, 20 books, 23 books, 77 books, 25 books, 40 books, well, you get the picture. 

I asked myself the question. Could I identify 10 books that had changed my life?


My answer was no, I couldn’t, at least, not in the sense of some transformational change from what I was before reading the book and what I was after reading the book. But I could identify 10 that had influenced me, in some cases profoundly.

To continue reading, please see my post today at Dancing Priest

Some Wednesday Readings


Sorry, not sorry: Sincere apologies required a shared set of values – Jacob Phillips at The Critic Magazine.


Remembering H.L. Mencken – Ben Boychuk at Chronicles.


“When Earth’s Last Picture is Painted,” poem by Rudyard Kipling – Joseph Bottum at Poems Ancient and Modern.


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