After I Peter 2:9-12
We are called out
from the mire that
is the world, called
to know we are
sojourners in this land
of exile. This is our land,
the land we came from,
and this is not our land;
this land is not our home.
Yet we are called to love
here as priests and witnesses,
our conduct in exile above
reproach, sojourners whose
very existence encourages,
illustrates, threatens,
glorifies, challenges, angers,
beautifies, attracts, exemplifies.
Ours is a life of contradictions.
So be it.
Photograph by Joakim Nadell via Unsplash. Used with permission.
Some Friday Readings
Noah: Saint and Sinner – Mark Daniels.
The New Year’s Prayer Challenge – Robb Brunansky at The Cripplegate.
“The Bird in the Tree,” poem by Ruth Pitter – Malcolm Guite.
Before – poem by Aubrey Brady at Rabbit Room Poetry.
In this world, but not of it . . . Another masterful poem, Glynn. Blessings!