Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

People wrote a lot about children this week, from a boy talking to his dog and birthdays to some of their own childhood memories and divorce through a child’s eyes. And remembering C.S. Lewis in his own words, poems about being a saint and angels and some wonderful paintings and photographs.


Life Lines” by Nancy Rosback at Nance Marie.

A Writer’s Worries” by Travis Thrasher at The Journey is Everything.

Looking with those eyes” by Diane Walker at Contemplative Photography.

A Boy and His Dog” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.

To My Son” by Erin Kilmer at Together for Good.

My First Universe” by Jessica Mesman Griffith for The Image Journal.

No-Regrets Spending” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.

Neighbors” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.

Mom’s Treasure” by Doug Spurling at Spurling Silver.

The Tablet and the Field” by David Griffith for The Image Journal.

Speeding by the Scenic Overlook” by David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.

A Reverse Resume” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.

The wild animal” by Billy Coffey.

Remembering Jack” (C.S. Lewis) by Jeff Dunn at Internet Monk.


The Riddle of the Fish” by Pete Marshall for One Stop Poetry.

They Were…For My Mother” and "Gray Daze" by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.

Hunting Season” and “There Is” by Melissa at All the Words.

In Time” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

Spirits with Time” and "Holding Hands" by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

The Null” by Rob Kistner at Image & Verse.

They Speak of Angels” by Jim Schmotzer at Faithful Skeptic.

On being a saint” by Marcus Goodyear at Good Word Editing.

Mechanical Perturbation” by Steven Marty Grant at Urbanality.

In the Goblet Sky” by Teresa Wellborn at The Chocolate Chip Waffle.

Going Over Their Head” by Nancy Rosback at Nance Marie.

Paintings and Photographs

Weekends are for being a light in the dark” by Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience.

9:17 Speonk” by Steve Gravano at Take a Look Around.

Spotting Good” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Peaceful Path” by L.L. Barkat at Seedlings in Stone.

Photoplay: Eyes to See” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.

Sunset Reflections and Dusk,” two paintings by Paul Batch.

Giving Thanks” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.


Somewhere Near Tapachula” movie trailer by Senutz.

Photograph: Lamp, by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


  1. How delightfully unexpected to be featured for a photograph! :) Thank you.

  2. Not thinking of myself as a 'poet' I am delighted to find myself amidst so excellence in poetry.

    Thank you Glynn!

  3. A Thanksgiving feast here, Glynn. Thank you for including my two poems.

  4. Thanks for including me, Glynn. Always an honor to show up on your good reads page. And now, to catch up with some of these I have missed!

  5. I've fallen quite behind this week ... this always helps.

    {Thank you, too, for the inclusion.}

  6. Thanks you for serving us this way...As I head into the busy season at work these weekend compilations will become more and more valuable. Bless you Glynn!
