Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

You can tell it’s the Christmas season – so many good posts and memories. And even the non-seasonal posts are good – from a chair falling off the back of a truck to two children singing about wanting to be Santa’s friend.


We Waited” by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.

Life in Transition” by Kelly Sauer for Christmas Change.

Kicked in the Crotch” by Michael Perkins at Untitled.

Rejoice (or not)” and "“The 12 Days of Christmas (via" by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

Like Moths to the Flame: How We are Killing the Church” by Blake Coffee at Church Whisperer.

Dickens: The Man Who Invented Christmas?” by Mark Roberts at BeliefNet.

Mothers and Miracles” and "Terry's Big Day" by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

To Keep It, Give It Away” by Fatha Frank at Public Christianity.

In His Image: The Laughter” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.

The World Is Fundamentally a Great Wonder,” an interview with Richard Wilbur, posted by the Key West Literary Seminar’s Littoral, via Bob Spencer at Wilderness Fandango.

Jangle, Jangle” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

Does Virtual Coffee Come in Decaf?” by Erin Kilmer at Together for Good.

Unsung Song” by Jay Cookingham at Soulfari.

If writing is your calling, part 2” by Deidra Riggs at Jumping Tandem.

A Quest for Peanuts” by Scott Couchenour at Serving Strong.

The Chair” by Duane Scott at Scribing the Journey.

He Shall Be a Light” by Jessica Mesman Griffith for The Image Journal.


Dreams and chocolate” by Leslie Moon at Moondustwriter.

Incommodious vexation” by B.K. MacKenzie at signed…BKM.

Evening Visitor” by Brian Miller at WayStationOne.

"No Reason to Rejoice" by Jason Stayszen at Connecting to Impact.

Run Aground” by Arron Palmer at Arron Palmer Poetry.

"To Break the Hold" by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

I Shined My Shoes” by Michael Perkins at Untitled.

An Old Stone Well” by David Brydon at Poetry Blog.

Walk in December” by L.L. Barkat at Seedlings in Stone.

Pipinoukhe” by Steven Marty Grant at Urbanality.

How to make a thing holy” by Tony Lawlor at Dwelling Here Now.

Fallen Dreams” by Pete Marshall.

Aurora Borealis” by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.

Still” by Nancy Rosback at Nance Marie.

December Poem” by Bob Spencer at Wilderness Fandango.

December White” by Melissa Campbell at Sweet Water Blue Sky.

Paintings and Photographs

Oswego Spring Study,” watermedia on Yupo by Randall David Tipton.

"Resting on a Monday" by Sandra Heska King.

Learning Collage” by Kathleen Overby at Neotony.

Scenes from a Walk” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.

Winter Wedding Dress: A Mood Board” by Kelly Sauer.

Envision” by Susan Etole ay Just…A Moment.


Where’s the Line to See Jesus?” by Becky Kelly.

If I Had a Million Dollars I’d Buy You a Monkey” by Greg Sullivan (and kids) at Sippican Cottage.

Photograph: Lamp by Nancy Rosback. Used wirth permission.


Louise Gallagher said...

Thank you glynn for including my stories of Terry and Stacey -- I am honoured.

And... I visited the Sippcan Cottage site! LOL -- it's great, especially if you click on over to Sociopathic Boys Blog... ok -- some people have too much time on their hands!

Sheila Siler said...

Funny how I always think of Christmas movies - and not stories to read (and I call myself a writer!). Thanks for the post to remind me. Merry Christmas!

dude said...

Blessed and honored am I...thanks Bro'

S. Etole said...

Thank you, Glynn ... for everything.

Jerry said...

Thanks again Glynn for the mention and the mall of good writes!

Maureen said...

You've expanded into video!

Great selections. Thank you for including me.

SippicanCottage said...

Merry Christmas to Glynn and all his readers.

Anonymous said...


woah! look at all these little gifts!
should i put them under the tree?
or can i open them now?

Marshy said...

thankyou again Glynn for your kind selection...i always feel honoured when i am included..and it also means that i am still doing a good job with my writings...thanks again and have a great christmas...all the best pete

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how encouraging it is to have a poet include my poem in your list. :) Thank you, Glynn. You inspire me.

Michael said...

You seriously are one of the most selfless and encouraging people I know. Thank you.

moondustwriter said...

Thanks dear folks - I always laugh when someone like a poem that I liken to doodling.

Thanks for enjoying my doodle
I'm enjoying the fine art here!!

Duane Scott said...

What Michael said, "YES!"