Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Abram's ears

It is the smell of goats
and sheep that fills
my days, my dreams;
my house is strong cloth,
and poles. What is
my father’s inheritance
is mine.

Yet the voice says I am
to leave, abandon
what I know for a promise
of what I do not.
I go, less for the promise,
more for the voice.
My wife laughs.

This poem is dedicated to Leslie Moon and Pete Marshall, two of the founders of One Stop Poetry.

This poem is submitted to the final One Shot Wednesday hosted by One Shot Poetry. To see other poems submitted, please visit One Stop Poetry. The links will be live at 4 p.m. Central time today.

Leslie will be keeping the site online – a kind of digital memorial to slightly more than a year of a publication that encouraged poets, taught us about form, recognized our work, introduced us to each other, explored great photography, and created lasting friendships. They did well, and they served us well.

Illustration: The Call of Abraham, ceramic relief by Richard McBee (1980).


  1. "Yet the voice says I am
    to leave, abandon
    what I know for a promise
    of what I do not."

    A voice almost all of us hear at some stage, though we usually manage to convince ourselves it's a misunderstanding..

  2. "My wife laughs."

    How many of us hear laughter so loud that it keeps us from following the voice?

    Or have ears too deaf to hear it?

  3. I like this a lot, Glynn, especially the second stanza and the concluding line. Nice bit of enjambment, too, in the first two lines of second stanza.

  4. An ever-evolving inheritance, constantly surprising and challenging us...its nice to have a loved one's laughter at hand to temper the immensity of grace...good job, Glynn.

  5. I love the way you give "humanity" to those figures in scripture who seem so much more.

  6. Great poem! I love the words, "I go, less for the promise,
    more for the voice." I find myself doing that more too. Just the relationship with God is huge. Thanks!

  7. "more for the voice" ... how our hearts long for that

    this may be one of my favorites of yours ...

    I'm hoping one day there will be a book I can hold in my hands and savor.

  8. As followers of Christ, the leaving and abandoning is necessary to operate that same Righteous faith of faithful Abraham. Considering what we have and willingly exchanging it for a "Thus saith the Lord" is challenging. How we define ourselves with respect to this world, makes a difference in how we will believe and obey. As for me, I see myself as only here temporarily...a wanderer on my way to my Father's house where I will permanently dwell. Thanks for such a thought provoking piece.

  9. Perfect closing for One Stop..."going out, now, not knowing where I am going." But trusting. Victoria

  10. Glynn - I feel I am privy to the world of Abraham and Sarah - a world so different but like them we seek a promise / hope for tomorrow

    The best of days lie ahead

    thanks for your support of my work as a writer

    Please note that Pete will keep the OSP site up with some contributions given for that purpose.

  11. The essence of faith:

    ... the voice says I am
    to leave, abandon
    what I know for a promise
    of what I do not.
    I go, less for the promise,
    more for the voice.

    And thus they entered the Wilderness ...

    - Brendan

  12. Obviously Biblical and well stage as an imaginary stage to tell Abraham's faith story. In poetic context, yours: I loved reading it. Beautifully touching.

  13. Oh, to have obedience like that walking blindly trusting God. Much said between the lines.

  14. A well done poem. Thanks for the tribute to Pete and Leslie. You echo the words and hearts of many.

  15. 'I go more for the voice'

    Not easy and sure risky, but can be rewarding. Only those who dive in deep waters are likely to find precious pearls.

    I don't know how I missed this blog!

    Thank you.

  16. So beautiful...I hope to stay in touch and continue reading your lovely poems Glynn.
