Monday, July 18, 2011

The waters were gathered

An Egyptian night of beetles and hyenas,
scarabs and jackals, devouring:
the spirit hovered over the surface
of the deep, the waters;
a staff rose and held to gather
the waters, walled on each side.
And it was so.
And it was good.
A staff rose and held to gather
the armies, walled on each side
by a pillar of cloud and fire,
gathering the darkness and light.
The waters were gathered, flowing
to create a dry baptism of faith.

This poem is submitted for the Warrior Poet Society, hosting by Jason Stasyszen at Connecting to Impact. To see more poems based on Exodus 14 – the crossing of the Red Sea, please visit Jason’s site.

Photograph: Orange Sea Sunset by Petr Kratochvil via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. What a picture, Glynn! I love this poem. Thanks again for participating.

  2. speaks more than just of the Exodus but also the ending of an Empire..called Eygpt..nicely done - the eras are molded and change within the hands of our Creator....bkm

  3. God moving the sea that He created.
