Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day, Todd Henry tells a story about
a woman named Julie who worked at a design firm. She was at the top of her
industry and the top of her game.
attended a workshop Henry led, and she pulled him aside to say that despite all
of her promotions and recognitions, she feels like she’s slipping into
something she can’t define, that she’s no longer making important progress in her work.
can be ferociously busy at work, and still be caught up in mediocrity. Situations
characterized by too much work and too few resources to get it done are
particularly ripe for institutionalized mediocrity – just doing whatever it
takes to get it off your plate.

seen other situations like this, and been in similar ones myself. The
obviousroute to take is to keep your head low and slide into the mediocrity of
the daily work routine. And many organizational cultures favor doing exactly that.
mediocrity is not a calling. Accepting the status quo, hunkering down and going
with the flow are not a calling. “Be Average and Don’t Rock the Boat!” is not a
call to greatness. The important things in this life come from the desire and
passion to overcome obstacles and to break through to what matters.
friend did not passively accept the role of mediocrity. Instead, he took what
he was now responsible for, recognized its importance, and began to build the
his work paid off. The recognition arrived first from the outside before his
organization recognized it, but it came from within as well. He had accomplished
something important, often in spite of his organization.
had the passion and the desire to do his best work every day.
we’re starting a discussion of Todd Henry’s Die
Empty over at The High Calling.
To see the conversation and what’s being discussed, please visit the site.
Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt via Public
Domain Pictures. Used with permission.
"But mediocrity is not a calling." That sentence should be on a banner in every organization.
I forgot about that ad campaign that Henry cites where kids say things like, "When I grow up, I want to file all day long." Ouch! I have to say that I've slid down the slippery slope of mediocrity at times in my career. Fortunately, I'm surrounded by people who inspire me and that helps me recover from those episodes. Mediocrity is not a calling, indeed. Thank goodness.
I figure that we are all in mediocrity.
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