king thrown into a trance. A power-hungry vizier. An evil spirit awakening from
a sleep of thousands of years. The discovery of what looks like a tall tower,
buried in the desert sands. Archivists trying to deciphering ancient scrolls.
Add them together, and you discover C.S. Lakin’s The Sands of Ethryn, the sixth
novel in the Gates of Heaven series.
may be well be the best one in the series so far, and that’s saying a lot.

an archaeological dig is underway, and a remarkable discovery has been made – a
tower, a very tall tower, just how tall no one can yet tell because it is
buried in sand. Palace archivists are set to work searching ancient scrolls to
find references to the tower and possibly translations of some of glyphs carved
into the structure. Then the king of Ethryn visits the dig site to see an
uncovered altar, and when he touches an altar gemstone, he falls into a deep
provides the opportunity for the king’s vizier to consolidate power. He has
tapped into an ancient source of evil, one associated with the tower, and it
takes over his human form. Standing against the evil are Hashubah, the king’s primary
archivist and keeper of the library of scrolls; his granddaughter Ra’daf, who
is a young scholar in her own right but limited because she’s prone to seizures
and blackouts; and Avad, an archivist who has grown up with Ra’daf and secretly
loves her.

the right mixture of action, suspense, and a little romance, Lakin has written
a compelling story. She blends the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel with
a work of her own imagination, and she explores how heaven operates outside
human understandings of time.
Sands of Ethryn is not a simple story; it must be closely read to catch all of
what Lakin has packed into it. It is, however, a deeply satisfying story,
rewarding that close reading.
was the author raised my interest inw hat fantasy writing can do. She has one
book to go in the series. I can’t wait to see how she completes the stories of
the gates.
Related: My reviews of the other Gates of Heaven novels:
I'm going to have to read these books, Glynn! Thanks for the review!
my grandma had a three-minute egg timer.
i liked to watch the sand flow from one side of the glass container into the other.
i know that this has nothing to do with your post,
but, it was what your post reminded me of.
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