sitting in an auditorium in the British Library’s
conference center. The library, part of
the British Museum until 1973, is housed in a huge modern building near the St.
Pancras train station on Euston Road, just north of Bloomsbury but still
considered central London. The auditorium’s seats slope down to the stage. It’s
a good crowd, some 150 people, even if the auditorium isn’t filled.
waiting for T.S. Eliot.

British Library seems to have taken this anniversary of Eliot’s death
seriously. A few weeks previously, it
held a reading of Eliot’s “The Waste Land” by actor
Viggo Mortenson (Aragorn in The
Lord of the Rings film trilogy). That event was sold out, and the
library scheduled a second reading, which also sold out. During British
National Poetry Week in early October, organizers scheduled an “Eliot Walk” in
the city, London’s financial district where Eliot worked in the 1920s (even
then, poetry wasn’t a self-supporting proposition).
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