Up to a third or
more of the Bible is written as poetry, mostly in the Old Testament and certain
quoted passages in the New Testament. While the single largest “block” of
poetry is the Book of Psalms, one can also find poetry in the prophets, Genesis,
Exodus, Judges, the history books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, and several
The Song of
Solomon, one of the earliest love poems, notwithstanding, the poetry of
the Bible generally focuses on praise. The reasons for praise are many and
varied, but the poetry is largely poetry of praise. Consider the picture of
ancient Hebrews reciting poems and singing songs of praise to their God, often
in the midst of terrible trials and upheavals.
So it is with
Mary Harwell Sayler’s new poetry collection, Praise. These poems are not all about thanksgiving, but have a
broader reach and purpose. As Sayler says in the introduction, “Praise focuses
in Who God is, more than what God does. Praise pours out our love to the Lord.”
The collection
of 72 is divided into six parts – praise, prayers, Easter, creation, wonder,
and Christmas. And they are indeed a pouring out love for who God is. These
aren’t poems about deliverance from trials. The focus is more eternal than
Praise Christ Our Body—
Who holds us
in cell and
tissue and
tendon and
Praise Christ
Whose Body
each part of us—
an ear, an eye,
a knee,
a scalp, a head
of hair
with each curl
Praise Christ
Who gave
His Body and
welcomes each
one of us—
Into the Body of
the Church—
To work, to play
and pray
to love and
to worship as
One Being
the Lord we
Mary Harrell Sayler |
As in this
example, Sayler consciously incorporates the title into each poem, and that’s
part of her purpose here – creating contemporary psalms. “Instead of titling
them with sequential numbers, as later editors had done to identify the biblical
Psalms, the first line of each poem became its title and an integral part of
its reading,” she says.
Praise achieves what it sets out to do – its poems individually
and collectively pour out love for who God is.
Top photograph by Andrew Small via Unsplash.