Sunday, June 25, 2023

If you can't see it

After Hebrews 11:1-3

If you can’t see it,

is it real?

If you can’t touch it,

or taste it,

does it exist?

If it cannot be

empirically proven,

is it true?

Can a world, a society,

a culture, a people

be constructed upon

a platform of hope,


Can it all happen

because of what is

hoped for?

Welcome to the world

of faith.


Photo by Alex Radelich via Unsplash. Used with permission.

The crisis of loneliness: We have never been more connected, or more isolated – Jacob Phillips at The Critic Magazine.


The Deluge – poem by William Harrison at The Society of Classical Poets.

“Job’s Rant” and “The Dark Comes Early” – poems by Cynthia Erlandson at The Society of Classical Poets.


Our thought life – Ted Gossard at Jesus community.


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Amen, Glynn! That was the topic of our pastor's sermon today.

David C Brown said...

It's more real!
Grace be with you.