Sunday, September 24, 2023

Walking this path

After Ephesians 4:1-16

Walking this path, disparate people

being knitted together into one,

one garment, one body, a body

that works as an intention

of the Lord, the body of the Lord,

pierced, a body with a purpose,

a body with a presence.


Disparate people, walking this path,

learning the way, teaching each other

the way forward, the older serving

the younger serving the older serving

the child serving the parent serving 

the sick serving the ailing serving

the aging serving the despondent

serving the strong serving the mother

serving the father serving the child

serving the older.


Disparate people walking a path,

walking in humility, walking

in gentleness, walking in patience,

walking in love for others,

walking in unity, walking

in peace, walking as one body

and one spirit and one hope

with one Lord and one baptism

and one God and one Father

of all.


The people endure the journey

as they endure each other, loving

one another. Enduring one another

makes them one.


Photograph by Iswanto Arif via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Monday Readings


The Death of the Literary Feud – Willian Fear at The Critic Magazine.


The Mosaic Makers of Hackney – Spitalfields Life.


The Two-Parent Advantage – W. Bradford Wilcox at CityJournal. 


Do We Need Regime Change of a Change in Heart? – John Horvat at The Imaginative Conservative.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

It all comes down to serving one another with love, Glynn, and your words here express that perfectly.