Friday, November 3, 2023

I was on the road

After Luke 24:13-35

I was on the road,

walking, when they

caught up with me,

walking as well

to Emmaus. They

talked excitedly

among themselves, 

and I asked them

what had been

happening. They

were shocked that

anyone wouldn’t

know, because it 

was the only thing

to talk about in

Jerusalem. The road

was dusty; small 

clouds of dirt

followed our feet

and the feet of others,

as I listened to them

tell me of the life 

and death and life

of the one they

loved, the one who

first loved them.

And I smiled.


Photograph by Alberto Barbarisi via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Out of the Ash – poem by William Everson at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


A Last Beatitude – poem by Malcolm Guite.


Child’s Laughter – poem by Jane Schulert at Society of Classical Poets.


How to Make a Poetry Mandala – Tweetspeak Poetry.


The Untold Stories of Gazans – Joseph Braude at The Free Press. 

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

This is exquisitely beautiful, Glynn. Thank you for blessing us with your words!