Sunday, March 24, 2024

He entered the city

After Psalm 25:9, 119:81

He entered the city

on a beast of peace,

not as a conquering hero

but a servant,

a servant who would



He entered the city

to sings and rejoicing,

to waving of palms,

to cloaks laid on his path. 

The people sang hosanna

to the servant who would



He smiled as he rode

his beast of peace.

He smiled to see

rejoicing, to hear

the voices cheering

and singing his way



He smiled because

he knew their hearts,

the hearts soon to call

for his death. And

he loved them anyway.

He loved them because.


Photograph by Benjamin Recinos via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Queen Esther’s Lot: A Poem for Purim – Margaret Coats at Society of Classical Poets.


Four Marks of True Revival – J.T. Reeves and Douglas Sweeney at Desiring God.


Feminine Emotionalism and the Evangelical Conscience – G. Shane Morris at the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. 

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