Sunday, January 12, 2025

An act of love

After I Peter 2:18-25

An act of love,

an act of obedience:

the act is submission,

and not to the just master

(an easy thing to do), but

also to the unjust.

Submission to the unjust

does not mean you

acquiesce in doing wrong

or engage in injustice

yourself. It does not mean

you approve of the evil

inflicted. It does mean

you are willing to submit

to the suffering that will

result when you simply

say, "This is wrong."


Photograph by Larm Rmah via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Haunted by Home: Rediscovering Auden the Englishman – James Chappel at Commonweal.


Where the Magic Doesn’t Happen – Andy Crouch at After Babel.


Flop Sweat in Edinburgh – Andrew Osenga.


A Doctor’s Depression: How God Became My Healer – Kathryn Butler at Desiring God.


Emergent Occasions – poem by Maura Harrison at Society of Classical Poets.