Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The 21st Day of Community: Susan Etole

When things get hectic, or I need to calm down, or just be quiet, a good place to start is Just…A Moment, a site (and a person) I noted in a short paragraph summary in December but one I keep returning to over and over.

Just…A Moment is the blog site of Susan Etole. She lives in Minnesota – and you can tell by the photos she takes – lots of snow. And she takes absolutely beautiful photos.

But it’s what she does with the photos that are so special. Using few words, she wraps sounds and sights together, simply, elegantly and, yes, spiritually. Her posts are always like this.

Take, for example, the one she posted yesterday, entitled “Transitions.” The words are few and simple: “Sometimes the end of a thing is the beginning of something very beautiful.” The five photos posted with them are spectacularly clear. But you have to step back from the words and the photos to see them as a whole, and therein is the great thing she does – she creates poetry with those few words and those beautiful pictures. I’m in awe.

Another example: “Something to Ponder,” again, a short sentence and photos of the moon. Or a birthday song to her son – heartfelt words and a series of pictures of baby shoes. Just stunning. Or her post entitled “Kindness Leads” -- wonderful words, photos of a bird at a bird feeder. (You see lots of photos of birds on Susan’s blog, and she must sit for a long time to get exactly those photos.)

Just…A Moment is what I call a ministry, because it ministers to all who come there. You arrive at the site, and you immediately find yourself, as she says in About Me, “in the midst of quietness.” Sometime, I’d like to sit with Susan and talk, basking in the quiet conversation, and basking in the quiet.

Visit Just…A Moment and find out for yourself.

(In December, a number of us participating in the “Twelve Days of Community” - see the button at the top right - sponsored by The High Calling Blogs. The purpose was to highlight the blog or web site of someone other than ourselves during the season of Advent and Christmas. I liked the idea so much that I’m continuing to do that each week -- highlight a blog or web site of a person whose thoughts and writing have had an impact on me and others.)


  1. What a beautiful blog-- the art of restraint-- so powerful. . .

  2. Your kind heart has blessed me big time ... thank you, Glynn, for the encouragement and so much more.

  3. Her work is beautiful. So glad you've featured her today.

  4. i Love Susan and her wonderful expressions.

  5. Thanks Glynn for sharing Susan. Her pages are very peaceful and pure. I sigh too and find myself wanting to emulate her creative spirit.

    Susan I love how you allow us to form our own conclusions and rest there; leaviing with the revelation still perking.

  6. I love Susan's photos. She's a pretty special lady altogether, I recently learned. Great feature, Glynn! Thanks for sharing another gem!

  7. There is indeed peace at your blog, Susan, and in all your comments. Your spirit is beautiful and soothing to me. I so look forward to meeting you.

  8. "She wraps sounds and sights together, simply, elegantly and, yes, spiritually."


  9. I think of Susan as a Mary Oliver of photography.

  10. Susan is an amazing photographer and has an amazing ability to say much with few words. Thanks for this, Glynn.

  11. Love Susan's art - both the pictures and words.
    Talk about someone that does what she can, with what she has, where she is - and it beings peace to many others!

    Susan - I see a book in your future - a gift and/or coffee table type book :)

  12. Wow... cool! I have to admit that I haven't seen Susan's work before, but I like it! Thanks for the introduction Glynn! I'm definitely going to have to check this one out more often!
