Monday, April 4, 2011

Choosing Clay

Rather hard but rather fragile,
these jars, these containers
of hope and dream,
not alabaster or porcelain,
though, not glass
or fine pottery
but simple ubiquitous clay,
hydrated silicates of dust

gathered up,
compacted so hard that
the vessel must be hollowed out
to pour into, to pour through.
What was he thinking, this
clay maker, this
clay master:

no translucence
no reflection or refraction
only containment,
containment of light,
containment of treasure
that is the light
to shine in radiance within
the heart and then without

to demonstrate the power
of the clay maker,
the clay sculptor.
Common clay (a redundancy)
is more important
than its appearance,
than its substance
might suggest.

This poem, based on 2 Corinthians 4:6-8, is submitted for the One Word Blog Carnival hosted by Peter Pollock. To see more posts based on the prompt word “treasure,” please visit the site. The links will be live tonight about 10 p.m. Central time. (Yeah, I know my submission sounds more like it was prompted by the word “clay,” but what’s a heaven for?)

Photograph of clay jars via Pilgrimsfriend.


  1. clay of earth
    made we are
    filled with
    the breath
    of life

  2. This poem is a beautiful expression of what the Father does in us - fragile, flawed vessels. The miracle of His work in us makes of us something miraculous. His life within.

  3. What a photo! It really drives home the point that clay doesn't display light well unless open or until broken.

    What was He thinking? Love that thought.

  4. glynn, the word silicates stopped me. i kept coming back to it. i tried reading further on but my eyes and my lips kept going back there.

    in its own delicacy, it somehow weighs up the entire poem.

    the sum is greater than its parts...

  5. Your piece places pictures in my mind and refreshes my soul...

  6. Common clay. Only made special by the Master's hands.

  7. Mold me and make me after thy will, O Lord!! The fragil clay is temporal at best, but once hollowed out it can be filled with the "Light" of His Spirit. May our earthly vessels shine forth with His light.
