Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The violence of forgiveness

This thing so evil
required a violence,
a torturing of body
of spirit
of soul
a rending wail
tearing the fabric of time
no hand could tear,
no curtain or veil could hide.
A fine spring day until
the paroxysm
the convulsion
of the ninth hour
the upending of before
into the transforming of after,
the vinegary blackness
ripping the sky,
unleashed fury
de-plating tectonics,
slicing rocks open,
smashing open tombs
to shake the dead alive.
A child is born this day.
A man is killed this day.
A child is sacrificed this day
in the violence
and supremacy
of forgiveness.

This poem is submitted for The High Calling’s Random Act of Poetry, with the prompt word of forgiveness. To see other poems on forgiveness, please visit the site.

It’s also submitted for One Shot Wednesday, hosted by One Stop Poetry. To see other poems submitted, please visit the site. The links will be live at 4 p.m. Central time.

Photograph: Storm Clouds 1 by Mikaela Dunn via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. Wow!

    Powerful words beautifully written.

    Thank you Glynn.

  2. You've painted such a powerful image with your words, each line building on the next.
    How this ministers Glynn. Thank you.

  3. I love it, especially "a rending wail"....

  4. It seems the violence of the world unleashed—the fury enough to rouse the dead amid the drastically changing earth. Makes the notions of acceptance and forgiveness very powerful through stark contrast.

  5. It comes so dark, so forceful and consuming...an image building in power to the breaking realization of something even more powerful--forgiveness. As Dustus said before me, in such a world as this, the stark contrast that is forgiveness is certainly made the more powerful for it. Would that more embraced it.

  6. a powerful write indeed Glynn a poem crying out Good Friday and the sacrifice given...and the title a cradled description of that day....thank you..bkm

  7. Sounds as a harsh reality, but on the other hand shows the beauty and power of forgiveness.
    Thanks for share it
    I enjoyed these lines:
    "A child is sacrificed this day
    in the violence
    and supremacy
    of forgiveness."

  8. Terrific imagery!

  9. glynn you sure know how to wield the hammer of love...smiles. this is a very powerful write...

  10. There's definitely power in this one.

  11. Very poignant interpretation of the greatest act of forgiveness. thanks Glynn.

  12. Your words and pic blend well.

  13. powerful imagery... you paint the picture so vividly, thus reminding me of the force of God's love for me.

  14. Grace and forgiveness is necessary at any time, but we beg for this at extreme times. Even though slipping the bonds of this earth is but a change of locale and a new adventure,there is pain for those left behind. Powerful piece, here, Glynn.

  15. Just a wonderful, thought-provoking poem!

  16. Thank you for this poem. What would we be otherwise, without the awesomeness of awfulness? How much greater the stage, the proscenium, the curtain which lifts and the wonder it reveals? Spiritual growth, I've heard, always works on a gradient of pain: surrender and humility are the only true bulwarks against the blinding facts of life. Very, very well done. - Brendan

  17. Dramatic read... much truth and power behind your words.

  18. Wow, Glynn.
    That "fine spring day until..."
    (I mean, the "until")

  19. a very powerful poem that has such a stark truth to its end...great poem glynn..cheers pete

  20. Evil requiring violence - so true, and so opposite of love.

    Powerful piece, Glynn!

  21. A child is sacrificed this day

    THAT got me. I've long believed, as a mother, that the Father's pain exceeded the Son's.

    Incredible title.

  22. Glynn, I have never thought of forgiveness in that way. For me, I had inflicted my own form of violence (guilt, shame, sorrow, regret, etc) so when I finally gave God my burdens, I felt freedom's side of forgiveness only.


  23. All I can say is, 'wow.' Love this, Glynn. Thanks.
