Thursday, January 19, 2012

Me and Julie Andrews

Joy must be in the air. On Monday, the theme for the Warrior Poets Circle was “unspeakable joy.” Today, Bonnie Gray at Faith Barista is hosting a blog carnival on joy.

I’m not going to sing “My Favorite things” from The Sound of Music like Julie Andrews did. But I do have a list of some of the things that bring me joy – which I rather loosely define as “a surge of emotion that makes it impossible for me to keep a smile off of my face.” And here it is, in no particular order.

My grandson’s squeal of delight.

Dancing with my grandson (notice a theme here).

Waiting at the airport for my wife to deplane after she’s been away for a time. (As soon as I see her, I get this goofy smile on my face.)

My wife turns her head in just such a way, and I see the girl I married 38+ years ago. (Hmmm, notice another theme here.)

A really good book.

An email or note from someone telling me that this novel of mine made them realize something or do something or cry.

An organ postlude played by the music director at our church.

A sunset in Arizona (yes, I know a lot of it comes from smog, but you still can’t beat them for spectacular-ness).

Biking 93 miles in a day (joy matched only by exhaustion; my personal record).

Being cane-free for the last two weeks (the back is backing down).

A good story, told well.

A good poem.

Writing a good poem.

Reading poetry aloud in the English Woodland Garden at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Reading a new book by a favorite author.

Reading an old book by a favorite author.

Dancing at a wedding.

Hearing a really good tenor sing “O Holy Night.”

The day I met the editorial staff of The High Calling in the San Antonio Airport.

The Art Institute in Chicago.

The day my wife and I sat at a window table in a coffee shop across the street from the Art Institute.

Hiking the Shaw Nature Reserve near St. Louis.

To see more posts on joy, please visit Faith Barista.

Top photograph: Arizona sunset; bottom photograph: Pinetum Lake at Shaw Nature Reserve.


  1. Awww now you've done it. I got a big cheesy grin : ) God bless Glynn! Have a joy filled day.

    P.S. I'm loving the part where Michael gave his first sermon. It's always draining? And it feels like no one heard? Now I understand what those feelings mean.

  2. sweet list :-) love what you've focused on. very encouraging!

  3. dance and you bike. Perhaps you could combine those two into a fictional character? I'm hoping to visit the Art Institute while my son is in school in Chicago.

    And, here's to still finding joy in marriages of many years!

  4. Love hiking. It's the key to my sanity at times to be able to get away from people out into the woods and appreciate what God created.

  5. Sweet list.

    I love the fact that you said you get all giddy when you have been absent from your wife.... what a testament to the power of love. That made me smile -- I feel the same way about my husband.

    BTW: You know I love me some Julie Andrews. :)

  6. I love that definition of joy! Beautiful list.

  7. I'm so glad your back is getting better. May yourjoys multiply!

  8. This list brings me joy too Glynn - just lovely. I am thankful your back is improving. I'll be praying.

  9. You have a way of spreading joy!

  10. that's some sweet list, man!

  11. Love this list - I bet reading it put a big smile on your face. I know it did mine! Thanks.
