Sunday, August 14, 2011

Candle lit

Candles lit
tiny flames begin

to travel a road filled
     with rocks and snares
                     thieves and robbers
                                snakes and other con men
     shouting enticements
                     clanging temptations
                                jangling inducements

Candle burns
flame passes dancing
     on heads

focusing attention on a few
     hearts a few
               minds a few
                        souls a few

remnants, always remnants

The candle selects
     where to hover
                       where to inhabit
the flame chooses
     where to plant
                      where to grow

This poem is submitted to the Warrior Poet Circle, hosted by Jason Stasyszen. To see more poems prompted by the word “faithfulness,” please visit Connecting to Impact. The links will be live Monday morning.

Photograph: Candle lighting by Petr Kratochvil via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission. 


dude said...

Absolutely stunning...

Unknown said...

And the candle ever burns...

Love the power and imagery.

Irene said...

Powerful words. :-)

Karen Kyle Ericson said...

This is beautiful. Very well written.

Anonymous said...

I'll just echo everyone else, but this is just gorgeous. Thank you Glynn.

Helen said...

Powerful imagery and reminder that He is our light.

Melissa Campbell said...

I saw a picture once from a missionary to underground China. It was of a room packed full of men, women and children crying out to God in prayer, some with tears, some with laughter. And on their heads, each one of them, a flame danced. And I thought of the church in Acts, waiting in an upper room to be set ablaze. Your beautiful words bring to mind these images, and I can't help but think, the words themselves--they dance. Blessings.