was having an email exchange with a friend on the other side of the planet, and
he said something that startled me.

pondered that statement. In fact, I’m still pondering it.
started college in a pre-med curriculum. By the start of the second semester, facing
untold numbers of hours of chemistry ahead, I knew I wasn’t going to survive in
pre-med. So I spent time thinking about my future, and one of the things I considered
– seriously considered – was the ministry.
was surprising. I hadn’t previously considered it. I had been raised Lutheran (conservative Lutheran), but I had never
fell a call to ministry. My faith was lukewarm at best. I could answer the
basic questions with perfunctory answers (I has taken two years of catechism
and had had to memorize a lot) but I can’t say I was really serious about what
I believed. Had I been pressed hard, it would have been obvious that my faith –
if I had it – was shallow.
why did I consider the ministry?
don’t know. I do know I was feeling some kind of pull. But it wasn’t strong,
and I eventually decided upon another kind of priesthood, a self-proclaimed
one: Journalism.
the pull to faith remained, and slowly grew, although I can’t say my general
behavior would have struck anyone as being characterized by faith. More like
the opposite.
pursue God,” writes A.W. Tozer in The
Pursuit of God, “because, and only because, He has first put an urge
within us that spurs us to the pursuit…The impulse to pursue God originates
with God, but the outworking of that impulse is our following hard after him;
and all the time we are pursuing Him we are already in His hand.”
the time I reached my senior year, events and circumstances led to more than a
pull; in fact, I could say that I slammed into God. Hard.
could look back from that moment and see the path, but I couldn’t see that I
was on that path until I had reached the first stopping point. What I think I
understood instinctively was that it was all “over” once I became a Christian;
far from it. I understood that the “moment” was like a wedding – only the
beginning, one certainly to celebrate, but all the hard work lay ahead.
from Tozer: “Everything is made to center upon the initial act of ‘accepting’
Christ ( a term, incidentally, which is not found in the Bible) and we are not
expected thereafter to crave any further revelation of God to our souls.” There
was some momentary euphoria, but I knew that the journey had only begun.
So when my friend made his statement, I remembered that path I was on 40 years ago. His words contained some insightful truth, but I don’t believe I was meant to be a minister.
I was meant to be in ministry. We all are.
by Jason Stasyszen and Sarah Salter, we’re embarking upon a discussion of A.W.
Tozer’s 1948 classic The Pursuit of God.
To see more posts on Chapter 1, “Following Hard After God,” please visit Sarah
Salter at Living
Between the Lines.
Love that first Tozer quote. I once read the book years ago but have long forgotten it. Thanks for reminding me again about God's pursuit of me which leads me to my pursuit of Him.
Nice. Very nice.
...and all the time we are pursuing Him we are already in His hand.
just like wondering about when a character is going to write the introduction to a book while we are already reading it.
things that we don't realize are happening when we are right in the middle of it.
here is a quote from the prologue of the book i have just begun reading titled "cutting for stone."
"Life, too, is like that. You live it forward, but understand it backward. It is only when you stop and look to the rear that you see the corpse caught under your wheel."
I shudder to think what would have happened if you had not pursued writing. The world would be the poorer for it.
I believe that too, Glynn. We are all in ministry and all leaders in some capacity. That hunger we have for God serves us well and leads us down an incredible path. Thanks so much.
I'm reading that book right now Glynn, and that quote just made me want to weep. It is a life-changing book.
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