Friday, July 15, 2022

How to pray

After Matthew 6:5-8

It’s rather simple,

actually, this lesson

on how to pray. First,

go into your room,

your private room,

away from distractions

and audiences like

other people, Next,

shut the door, making

your private place

even more private.

Then, pray. 

Fourth is how you

Pray. Keep it simple;

don’t keep adding

words because you

think it sounds cool

or that more is better

or that you like

the sound of your own

voice. In this case,

more is not better, and

for a simple reason.

The one to whom you

pray already knows

what your needs are;

in fact, he knows them

better than you do.


Photograph by Aaron Burden via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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