Sunday, September 24, 2023

They follow him

After John 6:1-15, 24-40

They follow him,

the thousands, from

the sea, climbing up

the mountain. His men,

knowing the feast is

at hand, are distressed:

how to feed thousands,

with almost nothing

to feed them with, except

for what a boy carries

with him, likely for 

his own meal: five loaves,

two fishes. 

He has them sit,

he has the thousands sit,

and he feeds them,

fully, with leftovers.


Photograph by Pablo Merchán Montes via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Places I Can’t Go – Karen Wade Hayes.


The Battle for the Body – Carl Trueman at First Things Magazine.


David Hoffman at St. Botolph’s Aldgate – Spitalfields Life.


The One, True, Imaginative Vision – T. Renee Kozinski at The Imaginative Conservative.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I just posted a blog for tomorrow that is inspired by the feeding of the multitudes, Glynn. Do great minds think alike, or what?
Outstanding poem!