Sunday, September 1, 2024

Lead the life

After I Corinthians 7:17-24

Lead the life I assigned

you, doing the work

I called you to. You

are designed to do

this work, called

to fulfill the task

you’re appointed to.

Your calling is not

to make money,

prosper, gain fame,

be honored by all.

No, your calling is

to serve, remaining

in God, using the skills,

abilities, and talents

I gave you. This

calling is for life.


Photograph by Artur Voznenko via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


My God, Send Another – poem by Andy Patton at Rabbit Room Poetry.


The Loss of Intellectual Curiosity – and Why It’s Dividing the Church – Michael Kruger at Canon Fodder.


Courage for a New School Year – Andy Young at Ligonier. 


Why we haven’t turned off our live steam – Stephen Kneale at Building Jerusalem.


Unpredictable Futures: Bonheoffer and Bots – Joel Miller at Miller’s Book Review.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Lord, may we all use the gifts and talents You gave us wisely and for Your glory.
Blessings, Glynn!