Thursday, February 27, 2025

Poets and Poems: Marjorie Maddox and “Seeing Things”

I try to avoid reading blurbs before I start reading a poetry collection. And I did that, successfully, with Seeing Things: Poems, the latest collection by Marjorie Maddox. This is a case of realizing I should have read the blurb first, to prepare for what I was about to read.

Maddox tells a story with the 61 poems she’s included in the collection. It’s not a narrative or told like a story. Rather, collectively the poems themselves present a story that is as hard to read as it is too gripping not to. It is a story of three generations of women, a story of depression, abuse, and dementia. If I gave the story a title, it might be “Broken Things, Mending.” 

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

Some Thursday Readings

You Probably Won’t Get a Book Deal. We Still Need You to Write – Darryl Dash at Dashhouse.

I’ve Got a Bad Case of Poetry – Rachel Donahue at Story Warren.

“Winter-Time,” poem by Robert Louis Stevenson – Joseph Bottum at Poems Ancient and Modern.

The Well – David Whyte.

Let the Heavens Turn Around – poem by Elise Meredith Jimison at Rabbit Room Poetry.

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