Friday, March 21, 2025

It began with work

After Genesis 1:27 – 2:15

From that first movement

of the beginning, it was

work. Creation was

work, a weaving

of created things. Into

man life was breathed,

a garden planted, land

fertilized to produce and

sustain life. Everywhere

you look in creation,

you find work, infused

into life from the start.

And it was good.


With the fall, work fell

as well. What began as

a blessing became

a curse. The day will

come when work, too,

will be restored. That day

is at hand.


Photograph by Maxime Agnellia vis Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


The Lord Will Come and Not Be Slow – poem by John Milton at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


The Theology of Work and the Stay-at-Home Mom: Embracing the Value of Our Calling – Shiphrah Lakka at IndiAanya.


Cuddy, a sonnet for St. Cuthbert – Malcolm Guite.


Speak Life – poem by Jesse Baker at Rabbit Room Poetry.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Amen, Glynn! That day is at hand. Blessings!