One aspect of collected and selected poem editions is that the insight they offer into how a poet grows and develops. I have a 1980 edition (20th printing, no less) of the Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, which is something of a personal treasure. On the bookshelf, it sits very close to The Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot (Annotated; 2015), which I hauled back from England in my carryon bag and developed new arm muscles in the process. Both works helped me see how the two poets developed over a lifetime of writing poetry.
Collections aren’t only for famous dead poets. Donna Hilbert has been publishing poetry collections for 35 years. A consistent theme in her work has been an exploration of home and family and navigating life within that context. In 2018, she published Gravity: New & Selected Poems, a selection of selected poems from past collections as well as a number of new poems. This winter, her publisher has issued a second edition of Gravity.
To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.
Some Thursday Readings
The Translations of New Verse Review 2.1 – Steve Knepper at New Berse Review.
“Disobedience,” poem by A.A. Milne – Joseph Bottum at Poems Ancient and Modern.
Attic – Poem by Jerry Barrett at Gerald the Writer.
Title poem from The Mother of All Words – Kelly Belmonte at Kelly’s Scribbles.
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