Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saturday Good Reads

Newspapers are dying. In 2018, U.S. newspaper circulation hit the lowest level since statistics started to be kept in 1940.  In the last 10 years, some 1,700 newspapers have closed, creating what are now called “news deserts.” We can blame the internet; we can blame changed reading habits. But what has also played a role is what has happened to the news; editorial opinion has invaded the news pages, creating a different kind of news desert. And this is everywhere. I still get our local newspaper; there are six comic strips I like to read. And I sit in a very thin fence about whether the paper is worth getting to not. 

Charles McElwee at City Journal talks about what’s happening in the news deserts. More is dying than newspapers.

Zak Schmoll has an intriguing article on Christian apologetics, and a different kind of reason what apologetics are needed. 

Andrew Roycroft at Thinking Pastorally considers the importance of independent bookstores: “I genuinely believe that there are some huge philosophical and political issues at stake if our culture migrates from the shelf to the cloud, the text to the eBook.”

More Good Reads


An Introduction to English War Poetry – Nayeli Riano at The Imaginative Conservative.

Broken and Spilt Out – Barbara Greenwood at Literary Life.

Somewhere, long ago – Robert Rife at Rob’s Lit-Bits. 

On “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” – Jake Meador at Mere Orthodoxy.

Journey to Nowhere – Dana Gioia at The American Scholar.

Life and Culture

Male Loneliness in Suburbia – Rod Dreher at The American Conservative.

News Media

Reddit, with wigs and ink – Rachel Scarborough King at Aeon. 

American Stuff

The First World War Economy & the Rise of American Power – Mark Malvasi at The Imaginative Conservative.

The Oriskany Battlefield, Part One and Part Two – Chris Mackowski at Emerging Revolutionary War Era.

British Stuff

The Pinnacle of Country Entertaining – Maria Grace at English Historical Fiction Authors.


Writing and Literature

Towards a Robust and Scholarly Christian Engagement with Science Fiction – Joshua Matthews at Christian Scholars Review.

Our Oceans, Our Future – Rafa Herrero Massieu

Painting: Woman Reading at a Desk (1910), oil on canvas by Thomas Anschutz

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