Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday Good Reads - May 11, 2024

My wife and I have been members of the Missouri Botanical Garden, known in St. Louis as Shaw’s Garden, since 1979. We love the place, and I have a deep affection for its rural sister, Shaw’s Nature Reserve (which we call the Arboretum; St. Louisans have another “real” name for a lot of things). Some two or three years ago, the garden embarked upon a new welcome center, administration building, and meeting space, tearing down what was previously there and replacing it with, well, what I call the mausoleum. I don’t know what it is about modern architecture that is so institutional or even “anti-human,” but it’s all over. It turns out we are not alone. Michael Strand at Front Porch Republic asks the question: why does modern architecture seemed designed to demoralize

What caught my attention with the university campus protests was the tents the protestors were using for their encampments. No matter what the location – Columbia, UCLA, and all points in between – the tents looked oddly the same. There’s a reason, as it turns out. Read Park MacDoufald at Tablet Magazine on the people setting American on fire. Patrick West at The Spectator notes how the protests are curiously copycat, no matter what Western country they happen in.


Tim Challies has a 10-episode documentary on Christian history, capturing the story of global Christianity. It is now free to watch on YouTube or Tim’s web site.


More Good Reads


British Stuff


The Relics of Old St. Paul’s – Spitalfields Life. 


Israel / Anti-Semitism


From the River to the Sea: Getting It Right, Getting It Wrong – Susie Linfield at Salmagundi.


Not in Our Name – the editors of Tablet Magazine.


Every argument for Israel: Answering the case against Israel point-by-point – Mark Humphreys at The Critic Magazine.




The Early Church’s Protection of Women and Children – Breakpoint / Colson Center.


Truth I Didn’t Learn in Business School – Ken Eldred at the Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics.


A Good Neighbor – Kit Swartz at Gentle Reformation.




Tree House – Seth Lewis.


Pope’s Gilgamesh – Adam Roberts at Adam’s Notebook.


“Swans” by Sally Thomas – Joseph Bottum at Poems Ancient and Modern.


White Chalet Bird House – Lauren Camp at Rabbit Room Poetry.


Writing and Literature


Why Research Matters in Fiction – Jack Du Brul at Writer’s Digest.


More Publishing Facts You May Not Know – Lincoln Michel at Counter Craft.


Paul Auster’s Voice – Michael O’Donnell at The Millions.


News Media


Is Journalism Back? New York Times Editor Goes Ballistic on Biden, “Safe Space” Era – Matt Taibbi at Racket News.


Unscientific American: Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology – James Meigs at City Journal. 

Note to Readers: In Search of the Great Canadian Terror - Matt Taibbi at Racket News.


Early Morning Rain – Peter, Paul & Mary

Painting: Interior with a Woman Reading, oil on canvas (1907) by Niels Holsoe (1865-1928)

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