Friday, May 17, 2024

The three promises

After Hebrews 8:1-13

The new promises are three,

the promises to the people.


First is the reconciliation

of all the old enemies,

bound into one family.


Second is the enabling,

the strength to do what

we cannot do on our own,

to be what we cannot be

on our own. It is written

on our hearts, into the fiber

of our beings, our hearts

of stone turned into

hearts of flesh.


Third is the mercy,

the mercy offered

toward sins, toward

iniquities, that great

and terrible mercy

shown and lived

that day. The sins

are remembered

no more, the imperfect

sacrifices ended

by the perfect one.


Photograph by Farrinni via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Enchanting Axioms: The Snake Oil in the Water We Drink – Harry Zeiders at Front Porch Republic.


A Curious Mind – Seth Lewis.


Commandments and Strategies – Andrew Klavan at The New Jerusalem.


Herman the Cripple – poem by Margaret Coats at The Society of Classical Poets.

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