Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Poets and Poems: Sarah Dickenson Snyder and "With a Polaroid Camera"

Poet Sarah Dickenson Snyder writes with a Polaroid camera. Well, not exactly. She uses the idea of the Polaroid camera as a centering device in her new collection, With a Polaroid Camera.  

A little camera history is in order. In 1947, American scientist Edwin Land introduced instant film, which compressed the development time for photographs to almost nothing. A year later, he introduced the camera for that film, the Model 95 Land Camera. The camera self-developed its own film and was manufactured by the Polaroid Corporation. I can’t count the number of times my parents would use their Polaroid camera; they’d snap the picture, the camera would eject the photograph, and you could watch it develop itself as the image appeared in less than a minute. 

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

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