Sunday, December 10, 2023


After I Samuel 18:6-9

The king hears the songs,

the promises sung

to celebrate victory,

and he hears the words

tilt toward the hero,

not the king. The people

saw the victory, 

the people paid tribute

to the hero of the victory,

the one who swept beyond 

the fear and won a challenge,

a triumph with a slingshot

and stone. The favor

of the Lord had come 

to rest upon the head

 of the slinger of stones.

And the king heard,

and the king watched,

and the king waited.


Photograph by Marco Lastella via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Advent in Oklahoma – Benjamin Myers at Front Porch Republic.


Gleichschtung – David Warren at Essays in Idleness.


While you are waiting: a sermon on a reading from 2 Peter 3 – Dan King at Bibledude. 

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

So good, it gave me chills as I read it. Jealousy is such a dangerous emotion.