Friday, November 29, 2024

Only for a time

After I Peter 1:3-9

It is only for a time,

only for a little while,

that we are grieved,

afflicted, and beset

by various trials, tests,

for a purpose: to show

our faith is genuine,

tested and refined

by trial, refined

to a purity finer

than pure gold, 

for a purpose: 

our faith results in praise,

our faith results in glory,

our faith results in honor,

at the precisely right time

of the revelation.


Photograph by Elyas Pasban via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


A Pastoral Prayer – Tim Challies.


The Desire – poem by Hester Pulter at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


2024: Ten Reasons I'm Thankful This Thanksgiving Day – Brian Miller at Notes from an East Tennessee Farmer.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Amen, Glynn! We are made to praise the Lord and follow Him.