Sunday, June 9, 2024

A kindness

After Ruth 2:1-18

She left all she knew,

home, family, everything

familiar, to travel with

her mother-in-law back

home. The others 

returned to their own

families, but she left

all behind, faithful 

to her dead husband 

and his mother. It was

a kindness, a blessing.

Her story was told,

shared among the people

she now lived with, she

a foreigner, an alien,

among strangers and

enemies. A kindness

recognized, a kindness 

told to the owner 

of the field, the owner

who favored her and

blessed her. It was

a kindness on his part,

a kindness given

for a kindness shown. 


Photograph by Mona Eendra via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Releasing Artists to Renew Culture: A new course to help you engage with the arts – Think Theology. 


Throw Yourself Away in Hope: The Sacred Death of Fatherhood – Greg Morse at Desiring God.


The Incredible Blessing of My Father’s Difficult Final Months – Ruth Wood at Eternal Perspective Ministries.


Selina Hastings: The Means of Doing Much Good – Vance Christie.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The story of Ruth is one of my favorites, Glynn. She is a perfect example of selfless giving.