Sunday, June 16, 2024

Run with endurance

After Hebrews 12:1-17

We are to run

with endurance,

this race set

before us, keeping

our eyes on the prize,

the founder and

perfecter of our faith,

our belief, our hope,

the one who kept

his eyes on the prize

and endured,

endured the cross,

enduring the pouring

of the sins of all

upon himself, endured

the hostility and hatred,

so that we, too, could

run the race, and

run with endurance.


Photograph by Isaac Wendland via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


A Son’s Journey to His Father – Art Kusserow at Front Porch Republic.


Making Good Return – Tim Challies reviews the book on caring for aging parents by Kathleen Nelson.


Seven Things Good Days Say – Chap Bettis at The Disciple-Making Parent.


The Getting of Wisdom – Andy Farmer at Biblical Coalition.


The Least of My Brethren: Sally Thomas’ Works of Mercy – Abigail Wilkinson Miller at The European Conservative.

My Dad Gave Me Books - and More Besides - Joel Miller at Miller's Book Review.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Amen, Glynn! Happy Father's Day!