Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Year Away from Twitter / X

Twitter was the first social media platform I joined, way back in 2008. I was far from being an early adopter, but I was one of the first people at work to sign up. 

Even that early, you could see the enormous potential for good and bad that a social media platform like Twitter could have. What we know as cancel culture developed early.


From 2008 to 2023, I had a consistent strategy in how I used the platform. I tweeted positive stuff. I didn’t engage in politics or controversies. I highlighted good things people were doing or writing. And I have to say I was steadfast from the beginning to the end.

To continue reading, please see my post today at Dancing Priest.

Photograph by David Paschke via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Wednesday Readings


Failure to Thrive – Brian Miller at A South Roane Agrarian.


The Previous Lives of Used Books – Thea Rosenberg at Story Warren.


Buckner, Jr. at Gettysburg 1913 – Chris Kolakowski at Emerging Civil War.


Why Are the Classics Necessary? – Louise Cowan at Th imaginative Conservative.


In Search of the Rarest Book in American Literature: Edgar Allen Poe’s Tamarlane – Bradford Morrow at Literary Hub.

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