Monday, October 21, 2024

"The Last Waltz in Zurich" by Amir Tomer

Some years (decades) back, I discovered the stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1978, and his stories had a collective purpose: to keep alive and commemorate the Yiddish culture of Europe, especially Poland, that had been destroyed by the Nazis in World War II. I was fascinated. I knew nothing of the world he was describing. It was full of folklore, magic, quirks, twists, the expected and unexpected, dreams, nightmares, and humor.  

I’d not read anything like these stories until The Last Waltz to Zurich and Other Stories by Amir Tomer. Tomer’s stories are not about Yiddish culture in Poland. Instead, they are about contemporary culture in Israel. And yet there is same sense of magic and twists, dreams and nightmares, and a very wry sense of humor that I found in the Singer stories. 


A man wakes up in the hospital after an automobile accident; he’s missing an eye, but the eye is still watching at the accident scene. An oil painting becomes real life. A man runs into an old rival for his wife, is invited to meet the man’s wife, and discovers it’s his own. A milkman leads children astray. A Holocaust survivor remembers huddling with her friends. 


In the title story, a man is dancing with the woman he considers the most beautiful in the world, his wife, when she suddenly dies in his arms. Later, not wanting to live, he decides to go to Switzerland for a legal suicide. In another story, a soldier contemplates a proposal. In another, a convention hotel provides the opportunity for a professor to pursue a student, but life changes. And there’s a man who abandons his work promotion to take the time to wreak vengeance, and the man pursued by a lighthouse becoming a woman becoming something else. And a story of man preparing to die on the gallows, and his life flashes before him. 


Dr. Amir Tomer

The collection contains 20 stories in all, a few containing graphic scenes. Together, the stories describe people searching for what they think is happiness, or the ordinary suddenly becoming extraordinary – and threatening, or relationships that never quite work out the way they were expected. And each story contains a twist, an unexpected development, a narrative surprise that suddenly changes our understanding of what’s been happening. 


Tomer, a professor of software engineering, received three degrees in computer science and has worked in the defense industry in Israel. He established a software engineering department at Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee and headed the department for more than a decade. The Last Waltz in Zurich is his second book. His first, a poetry collection titled Love Designer, was published in Hebrew in 2021.


The Last Waltz in Zurich and Other Stories is unsettling, surprising, full of twists and turns, and a highly entertaining read.

Note: The book will be released in the United States on Nov. 23.


Some Monday Readings


What Makes Good Historical Fiction? – George Garnett at History Today.


Meet the American who conjured up ‘Legend of Sleepy Hollow’: Washington Irving, first US celebrity author – Kerry Byrne at Fox News.


What The Invisible Man Made Visible to Me – Renee Hale at Miller’s Book Review.


‘There was eye-watering fear’: Jon le Carre’s son on writing a new George Smiley novel – Alex Clark at The Guardian.


Horatio Nelson: The Darling Hero of England – Henry Oliver at The Common Reader.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

In vain

After Exodus 20:7 and Matthew 7:15-23

Better to not say

his name, than

to take his name

in vain. To take 

his name in vain

imputes guilt

by default.


Who takes his name

in vain? Consider

false prophets, acting

as sheep but behaving

as ravenous wolves, 

trees bearing poisonous

fruits, worth only

to be cut down and

burned. The wolves

arrive at heaven’s gate,

demanding entrance,

wolves not recognized,

wolves never known.


Photograph by Cajin Clement via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


The Humanity of Hospitality – Carl Trueman at First Things Magazine.


Freedom of Conscience in a Culture of Death – Matthew Hosier at Think Theology.


A Sonnet for St. Luke’s Day – Malcolm Guite.


A digital pilgrimage for Edwardtide – Westminster Abbey.


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday Good Reads - Oct. 19, 2024

It’s rare to see the major legacy media in full-blown propaganda mode, but, man, are they in that mode now. Maybe when the election’s over they’ll try to return to something approximating journalism. Take the story that almost didn’t happen. For two or three years now, we’ve been told “Crime is down! Crime is down!” And then the FBI try to quietly say by stealth editing its web site that the 2022 crime statistics had been revised. Instead of a 2.1% drop; there had been a 4.5% increase. Who covered the revision? The Tampa Free Press, the New York Post, Straight Arrow News, Washington Examiner, and a few others. I saw the story via Real Clear Investigations. Like the Washington Post says, democracy dies in darkness! 

To no one’s surprise, Gallup reported that the American public’s trust in news media and Congress has hit an all-time low. But for the first time, trust in media has slipped below that for Congress.


Another inconvenient story: America’s fastest-growing criminal enterprise. Madeleine Rowley at The Free Press looks at sex trafficking, especially of women and children, fueled by the massive influx of immigrants via the southern border.


More Good Reads




The Hundred-Year Holy War – Eli Lake at The Free Press.


Sinwar’s Death Will Hasten the End of the War – Matti Friedman at The Free Press. 




St. Vincent: The acclaim is excessive but the talent undeniable – D.H. Robinson at The Critic Magazine.


An author’s waking nightmare: Van Dyck dreaming and color proofs of a shadowy masterwork – Bendor Grosvenor at The Art Newspaper.


Life and Culture


Why I Brought My Toddler to Watch SpaceX’s Flying Skyscraper – Tim Urban at The Free Press. 


We Are in Need of Renaissance People – Victor Davis Hanson at The Free Press.


On “Public-Private Partnership” – N.S. Lyons at The Upheaval. 




Early Morning Train – Paul Wittenberger at Paul’s Substack.


Parting Gifts – Benjamin Myers at First Things Magazine.


I Drank Alone, ‘Neath the Spheres – Jared Gilbert at Frivolous Quill.


What is it Like? – poem by David Whyte.




In Unfriendly Territory: The Bible on Social Media – Rebekah Matt at Great and Noble Tasks.


Why Do People Deconstruct? Beware the Grand Theories – Trevin Wax at The Gospel Coalition. 


A Key Discipline: Observe Without Judgment – Tim Challies.


Writing and Literature


Euripides’ Lost Plays – Alexander Lee at History Today.


The Stranger Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – Joel Miller at Miller’s Book Review.


T.S. Eliot: Hope Beyond the Waste Land – Haylee Wuensche at The Imaginative Conservative.


Wheeler Catlett’s Love Beyond Organization in Wendell Berry’s “Fidelity” – Isaac Wood at Front Porch Republic.


The Other Side of the Keyhole: Russell Kirk’s Ghost Stories – Robert Woods at The Imagintive Conservative.


British Stuff


The Dead Man in Clerkenwell – Spitalfields Life.


A Beautiful Life – from the Netflix film

Painting: Woman Reading, oil on canvas by Alfred Stevens (1823-1906)

Friday, October 18, 2024

When I say

After Exodus 20:2-4

When I say I am

the Lord your God,

have no other gods

before me, I’m serious,

deadly serious, for it is

a matter of life and

death. I am the Lord.

I am.


When I say you shall

have no other gods

before me, I mean none.

That includes politics,

work, celebrity,

self-beauty, animals,

smart phones, the number

of likes and followers,

public acclaim, money,

possessions, your house,

your garden, your car,

your dreams, your degrees,

your jewelry, your art,

your music, your hopes,

any of your created things,

any of your imagined things,

anything that you would

think you can replace me

with. I am a jealous God;

don’t think you can

replace me with anything.

Before you were,

I am.


Photograph by Michael Kroul via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Onesiphorus: courage in a time of persecution, part 1 – Michael A.G. Azad Haykin at Historia ecclesiastica. 


Letter #142: Will God Save Us? – Andrw Klavan at The New Jerusalem.


Blue Light – poem by Stella Nesanovich at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin). 


Beginning of Months – poem by Cody Ilardo at Power & Glory.


Rain on the Window – poem by Seth Lewis.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Year-of-the-Monarch Confession: I am a Milkweed Murderer

Tweetspeak Poetry’s
 Year of the Monarch is coming to an end. For the past year, led by our Poet Laura Dheepa Maturiand writer Laura Boggess, we’ve been celebrating the Monarch butterfly. We even had a milkweed challenge – planting the Monarch’s favorite plant. 

I kept quiet, but I shuddered at the thought of planting milkweed.


I live in Missouri. Most of my state is in the Eastern Monarchs’ migratory path to and from central Mexico. I have seen them in my yard, never in profusion but in numbers sufficient to say they’re here and looking for sustenance.

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

Photograph: Our patch of autumn-fading itea, aka the scene of the crime.

Some Thursday Readings


Poet Laura: Message in a Bottle – Michelle Rinaldi Ortega at Tweetspeak Poetry.


“Wedlock: A Satire,” poem by Mehetabel Wesley – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern.


I Was Homechooled and I Turned Out Fine – Alan Noble at Mere Orthodoxy.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Footsteps at St. Bride's

During a recent trip to England, we took advantage of our trip coinciding with London Open House, two successive weekends where citizens and tourists alike can view many buildings usually closed to the public, or take walking tours, or get behind the scenes views of many places that are open to the public.  

One of the places we visited was St. Bride’s Church on Fleet Street, known as “the journalists’ church.” Fleet Street as the home to Britain’s big newspapers is a memory; the newspapers and the journalists moved to other parts of the city decades ago. But St. Bride’s remains, and it’s still known as the place where journalists worshipped. 

To continue reading, please see my post today at Dancing Priest

Photograph: Interior of St. Bride's Fleet Street, London

Some Wednesday Readings


Murder on the Corner of BrÄ«vÄ«bas and Stabu Streets – Lawrence Bostic III at Real Clear History.


Liturgy and Literature in the Middle Ages – Joseph Pearce at The Imaginative Conservative.


“All Hallows Night,” poem by Lizette Woodworth Reese – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Poets and Poems: Joseph Bottum and "Spending the Winter"

I found a perfect, if personal, antidote for the discomfort of sitting in a crammed airplane seat for an eight-hour overseas flight. And that’s to bring along a book of poetry recommended by a friend, and being enraptured by the beautiful poems it contained.

Joseph Bottum is an essayist, critic, fiction writer, scholar, editor, and apparent master of what’s known as the Amazon Single, a short story or essay published as a standalone work (his Dakota Christmas reached #1 on the Amazon e-book bestseller list). He’s also a poet, with several published works, including Spending the Winter (2022), which the friend recommended and which I read on my overseas flight. 

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

Some Tuesday Readings


To the Autumn Birches – poem by Adam Sedia at Society of Classical Poets.


The lights – artwork by Sonja Benskin Mesher.


Text & Image: Interview with Ellen Kombiyil – Tweetspeak Poetry.


“Spring and Fall,” poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern.


Matthew Arnold, ‘Requiescat’ (1853) – Adam Roberts at Adam’s Notebook. 

Portrait of a Lady – poem by William Carlos Williams at Every Day Poems.