“One Last Stroll” by Jennifer Dukes-Lee at Getting Down with Jesus.
“The Year of the Rosary” by L.L. Barkat at Love Notes to Yahweh.
“The Dance” by Jeff Jordan at To My Children, If They Are Listening.
“What About Church (3)?” by Bob Spencer at Wilderness Fandango.
“Sharing Christmas” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.
“Once Upon a Time” by Duane Scott at Scribing the Journey.
“Who Has Better PR – Jesus or Allah?” by Matt Appling at the Church of No People.
“The Night Vigil” by Caroline Langston for The Image Journal.
“On Not Being a Spork” by Michael Perkins at Untitled.
“I Have No Idea” by David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.
“Inspirational Bacteria” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.
“Yes, Questions Asked” by Monica Sharman at Know-Love-Obey God.
“The Ambition of Christ: Money” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.
“A Holy Communion” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.
“The Aching Place” by Jeanne Damoff for The Master’s Artist.
“Bye, Miss Lois, Bye” by Harriett Gillham at The Other Side of the Mountain.
“10 Ways to be a Faithful Husband” by Jay Cookingham at Soulfari.
“Breathe, Open, Receive” by Kelly Sauer at A Restless Heart.
“They’ll Never Ask Me” by Jim Schmotzer at Faithful Skeptic.
“Let Me Be Kind” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.
“An Ode, A Tribute to My Wife” by Kely Braswell at dangerous Breeze.
“Foxhole” by Doug Spurling at Spurling Silver.
"The Moron Test" by Kathy Richards at Katdish.
"The Spiritual Value of Boredom" by Bradley Moore at Shrinking the Camel.
“January Wisdom” by Hedgewitch at Verse Escape.
“Circumcision of the Christ Child” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.
“Inner Child” by Neva Flores at Changefulstorm Poetry.
"Your Body is Your Emissary" by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.
“Sunflower Still” by Marsha Berry at Marousia.
“Evening flight” by Nancy Rosback at Nance Marie.
“The Science of Forgetting” by Terresa Wellborn at The Chocolate Chip Waffle.
“Platforms and Planks” by Arron Palmer.
“Long Distance Running” by JofIndia at Neither Use Nor Ornament.
“Soul Saliva” by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.
“Re-Compose My Song” by Michael Perkins At Untitled.
Paintings and Photographs
“Saturday Snaps – New Year’s Sparkle” by Sandra Heska King
“The Future” and “Journeying On” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.
“Velarde,” watercolor by Randall David Tipton.
Photograph: Lamp by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.
I'm always gratified to see my name on your Saturday list! Not to mention all the other fine links. I look forward to these posts every Saturday! Thanks for doing the hard work for the rest of us!
I didn't know you'd been by...
I agree with you --- I have been around the "blogsphere" a lot this week -- and I was like ..."wow"--
Ah Glynn, your list always intriques me and informs me. And it always warms my writers soul to find my name amongst such company.
Thanks my friend!
This is better than my Reader, Glynn!
Hm. Should maybe update that...
Thanks for the mention Glynn. If it wasn't for life I would read all these mentions. But thanks for the choices. I will ala carte this weekend.
Thanks for the mention bro' It's another great list!
Honored to be included in this roundup of posts, Glynn!
I agree with Kelly: Your list is better than my Reader.
Thank you for CONTINUING to do this week after week.
Great selection as always, and I agree that 2011 is going to be tremendous.
Thank you for including me among those honored.
a full list
an open heart
making a bouquet
of flowers
in high bloom
and full colour
thank you
So much wonderfulness to dig into! Thank you, Glynn for including me here. I sure am looking forward to coming year in good reads!
Will be meeting some new ones here ... thank you, Glynn, for the inclusion.
Thank you for highlighting my blog again, sir. I'm linking up to this post. It's a new feature I have on my blog... :)
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