Friday, March 15, 2024

The bodies fall

After Hebrews 3:16-19

Provoking wrath, they

wander forty years.

Abandoning faith, they

live in the wilderness,

forty years, depending

each day on food and

sustenance. They,

this generation, have

to be taught faith. As

they learn, as they

wander, their bodies

grow old, their bodies

fail, their bodies

fall in the wilderness.


Photograph by Claudio Schwarz via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Samson, Tribe of Dan – poem by Alexander King Ream at Society of Classical Poets.


Villanelle of the Elect – Jesse Keith Butler at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


When My Rights Make Me Wrong – Rev. Dave Harvey.


The Receding Tides of New Atheism – Pip Witheridge at The Gospel Coalition.

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