Sunday, June 30, 2024

The voice that shakes

After Hebrews 12:18-29

His is the voice

that shakes the earth,

his is the voice

that shakes the heavens,

the shaking removing

what is made so that

only the unshaken

remains. The temporal

passes, crumbling into dust.

Only the true, the eternal

remains, the kingdom

that remains unshaken,

the kingdom of the one

who is the consuming



Photograph by Brandon Morgan via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Reading


30 Pieces of Writing Advice from C.S. Lewis – Barnabas Piper.


Neil Postman on Words and Images: An Antidote to Truth Decay – Douglas Groothuis at Christ Over All.


“Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint,” poem by John Milton – Joseph Bottum at Poems Ancient and Modern.


Some Stories Read Us: Why Jesus Spoke in Parables – Matthew Harmon at Desiring God.


How to Hate the Vulnerable – Samuel D. James at Digital Liturgies.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

We used to do the song "The Voice of the Lord" with our band at our old church. Your beautiful poem brought it back to me. The voice of the Lord is all powerful!
Blessings, Glynn!