Sunday, July 21, 2024

How to resist

After Ephesians 4:11-16

To resist the deceit,

the forces arrayed

against us, the strategy

is simple: we speak

truth, the truth in love;

we grow up and into

the One who died for us;

we hold together as one,

one body, a unit working

as one, because we have

been equipped to function

as one, this body of many

working together to hold

itself up into love.


Photograph by svklimkin via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


The Hollow Men – poem by T.S. Eliot at Academy of American Poets.


The Truth of Beauty: Educating the Moral Imagination – Benjamin Lockerd at The Imaginative Conservative.


Hobbits and Third-Culture Kids – Seth Porch at Desiring God.


Where Loss Leads: Why Grieving People Need a Theology of Giving – Pierce Taylor Hibbs at The Gospel Coalition. 


Prayer (1) – poem by George Herbert at Rabbit Room Poetry.

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