Thursday, September 12, 2024

Some Thursday Readings - Sept. 12, 2024

Handbags & Handcuffs: The Mysterious Case of the Victorian Female Detective
 by Sara Lodge – Claire Harman at Literary Review. 

“Poor Eddy”: A New Life of Edgar Allan Poe – Mark Jarman at The Hudson Review.


On the Tarmac – poem by Tania Runyan at Every Day Poems.


Shakespeare and Classical Education – Joseph Pearce at The Imaginative Conservative. 


“The Traveler” and “Sunrise” – poems by Shindy Cai at Society of Classical Poets.


Author George Saunders on His Novel Lincoln in the Bardo, on Lincoln After the Death of His Son – New York Times Book Review podcast via The Reconstruction Era blog.


If your protagonist is bored, you can bet you reader will be to – Nathan Bransford. 


End – prose poem / reflection by David Whyte.


Photograph: Edgar Allan Poe about 1837.

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