from (too much) personal and professional experience, I can testify that massive
amounts of information, data, and research exist on the subject of reputation –
corporate reputation, to be specific. Public relations and marketing firms have
practices devoted to reputation management. Book after book has been published on
the subject. And who can quantify how many billions of dollars have been spent
by companies seeking to improve their reputations?
not exactly comforting to know that, after all of this effort and expenditure,
people trust corporations (and CEOs) only marginally more than they trust
is the same thing as that they don’t trust corporations at all.

first sentence bears repeating: Most
companies confuse trust with reputation.
way of saying that: if you have a reputation problem, the problem is not your
I went
back and reread the article. And then I read Part 2 the next day, and Part 3
the day after that.
40 years in the organizational communications business, I can say that I have
never read more common sense – and truth – than I did in these three articles.
1: Why
We Don’t Trust Companies
not about reputation.
Top photograph by Alex Grichenko via Public
Domain Pictures. Used with permission.
Sorry, but I do not trust Monsanto to do the right thing by me - or anyone else - and no amount of shaping the message will change that. I don't trust Congress to do the right thing by me, or anyone else, either - but I am under orders to pray for my leaders. I'll pray for Monsanto, but only as ordered to pray for my enemies.
This is a great series for me at this time in my life, Glynn. Thanks for your faithfulness.
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