Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Poetry Review: The Submerged Depths of Lapse Americana

Sometime in our late 30s, perhaps our 40s, we become aware of time passing. Our 20s and early 30s are spent trying to hurry time; after that we try to slow it down, until in our 60s when we realize the train is hurtling ever faster. Time to stop and enjoy the ride.

With the slowing comes understanding, and occasionally wisdom. We understand a life, our life, to be an aggregation of people, events, places, decisions, choice made. And we grasp the vital importance of childhood.

It’s that sense of realization and understanding that permeates Lapse Americana, Benjamin Myers second volume of poetry.

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wonder if i would like the book as much as i like the review...