Sunday, October 28, 2018

I went inside

After Psalm 73:17-28

I went inside the sanctuary,
embracing its darkness and cool,
its relief from the searing heat
outside, the failure I feel as
I watch others succeed, and 
here in this cool darkness
I begin to see, at first only
a single candle, it, but the light
grows, until I see where it all
ends, what the point is, that
my failure is not failure and
their success is not success.
There is a plan, there is a reward,
there is judgment, there is love,
and I see I was holding
the wrong end of the stick and
beating myself with it.
Their ways are not his ways,
my ways are not his ways,
but my ways will be.

Photograph by Pau Casals via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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