Friday, July 28, 2023

He makes a choice

After Hebrews 11:24-27

He had a choice

to be known by

his adopted name,

his position and

title, or to embrace

his lowly, enslaved

birth, to choose

the way of ease and

wealth, or the way

of the slave, toil

and hardship and


He knew the cost.

Did he surprise

himself when he

chose the harder,

wiser way?


Photograph by Jon Tyson via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


On Lies and Liars: A Double (Petrarchan) Sonnet – James Tweedie at Society of Classical Poets.


Birds That Alight on Faith – poem by Claude Wilkinson at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin). 


Greek to Us: The Death of Classical Education & Its Consequences – Christian Kopff at The Imaginative Conservative. 


1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Beautiful, Glynn!