Sunday, March 9, 2025

Be humble

After I Peter 5:5-7

It's countercultural.

In a time and place

when we celebrate,

elevate, venerate

youth, dismissing

the aged as over

and done, they’ve

had their day,

confining them

in homes with

their own, safely

put away, out

of harm’s way,

out of our way, 

out of sight, it’s


to say, to think,

to act like elders

not only matter

but that we should

also be subject

to them. But that’s

the command: be

subject to them.


Photograph by Joshua Hanks via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


The Myth of the Easy Answer – Justin Poythress. 


Grow Deep: A Word to Young Men – Greg Morse at Desiring God.


March 7 - The Official Day of Rest: Constantine’s Powerful Sunday Mandate – Jason Clark at This Is the Day. 


Story of the Seasons: The Countryman’s Notebooks of Adrian Bell – Richard Hawking at Front Porch Republic.

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