Thursday, March 13, 2025

"The Sadbook Collections 2" by Sara Barkat

I’ve been following Sadbook on Substack by Sara Barkat for quite a while now. At first, I thought the character might be intended for a younger generation. And Sadbook certainly has that appeal – a kind of updated Charlie Brown. (I don’t want to imply that Sadbook is a male; gender isn’t specified and really doesn’t matter.) And it can be a little odd or slightly offbeat, causing you to turn your head and say “What?”  

But then I read Barkat’s The Sadbook Collections 2, essentially all of the Sadbook cartoons from 2024 (the first volume covers 2023). And it was then that it hit me: Sadbook is a poet

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

Some Thursday Readings


“Upon my Son Samuel His Going for England,” poem by Anne Bradstreet – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern.


A Review of Homage to Soren Kierkegaard, edited by Dana Gioia and Mary Grace Mangano – Matthew King at New Verse Review.


Questions that arise from a poem – Padraig O Tuama at Poetry Unbound.


An Appreciation of Ted Kooser – Judith Harris at Literary Matters.


Moonwalk – poem by Jerry Barrett at Gerald the Writer.

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